Correspondent's Desk
Message from the Correspondent

Dear Children, Parents and Well-wishers,
Education is a broad term understood by people in different ways. My understanding about Education is how you give back to the society after all that you have learned in school.
How one reacts to a tough situation in life, and takes optimistic decisions is what education is for me. Education never ends. You can keep learning all your life on different aspects which will keep helping in making your life beautiful. The ultimate goal is to be happy and to spread positivity regardless the field of work you end up with.
Now with Covid-19, digitization has become the new normal. No doubt, digital technology is helping in educating the students, but there are chances of potential dangers that come along with it. Distraction is something children were already facing in their lives before the pandemic. Now with gadgets, it has increased, and the students are losing the great joy of finding an answer from a book in the library, the last-minute discussions with friends before the exam and so forth. Kindergarten children are losing the wonderful understanding of what school is or what it feels to have a bond with a teacher or to play on the playground.
The relationship with a teacher can do miracles in a child’s life. On the other hand, students should understand that the teachers are paralleling by using the traditional teaching methods on the digital platforms. It is not a must that "FUN" should be a part of the learning process but with patience and hard work, the payoff will be greater.

In SCAD Group of Schools, we give prime importance to morals and ethics which makes the child a disciplined one. Along with that, we expect the parents to be vigilant with the children while using the online platforms for academic purposes. We inculcate the children with knowledge by relating it to the real-world examples which will decisively help them to think and act in the future. With moral science classes included in the curriculum, we show them how ideal it would be with kind, smart and wise people in the world.
Let the years of schooling foster the children to be in such a way where they serve the society well through their profession, be a respected person in their families, be a good citizen and not to become emotionless robots. God bless.
Thank You,
Augusti Marys Priyadarshini
The Correspondent
SCAD Group of Schools